Back from the mountains, we are looking forward to the flower power of spring.

For this, we have designed the 'In Bloom' collection for you. We look forward to picking flowers, painting Easter eggs and enjoying the sounds of nature - while sitting in the sun with a PIMM's No. 1

Wir freuen uns darauf, Blumen zu pflücken, Ostereier zu bemalen und die Klänge der Natur zu genießen – while  sitting in the Sun with a  PIMM’s No. 1


Crocus Splash

Rise after Ice

 Iris Juice 

Blooming Swamp 

Bubblegum Dream 

Easter egg 

Pimm's №1

 a Night before

Anemonen im Meer

How it works:

  • Order 50 or more of any of these 10 “In Bloom” vinyl records and receive a 20% discount on these special bespoke vinyl records.
  • Bonus Discount: Get 5% off all other items in your order — like cutting, electroplating, covers, inner sleeves — if your order includes at least one edition of a In Bloom vinyl.
  • Mix and Match: 
    • Order, for example, 100x 'Easter Egg', 100x 'Iris Juice', 300x 'Firefly', etc. You can also order all 10 Specials together!
    • Or simply add these 'Crocus Splash' vinyl records to a planned order (e.g., 300 standard vinyl records in black + 50 or 100 In Bloom Specials as Ltd. Edition).
  • Valid for all new orders placed within the promotional period until April 25st, 2025.

Don’t miss this chance to explore our special vinyl editions at a more attractive price. 

Note: Shipping costs and potential customs fees are excluded from this discount.​

Request for quotation

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